I've just published a new microsite and API called [Feedsearch](https://feedsearch.auctorial.com), which provides an easy way to search websites for [RSS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RSS), [Atom](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atom_(standard)), and [JSON](https://jsonfeed.org/) feeds. [Feedsearch](https://feedsearch.auctorial.com) is primarily meant to be a thin public API wrapper around the [Feedsearch Python package](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/feedsearch), which I wrote to support feed search capabilities in my side project [Auctorial](https://www.auctorial.com). I couldn't find a public library or service that both searched for feeds and returned feed and site metadata, so I wrote this one. In addition to the API, the site allows users to search for feeds using a standard webform. The code and documentation for the Feedsearch package is hosted in the [Feedsearch Github repository](https://github.com/DBeath/feedsearch). The site and API code is [also on Github](https://github.com/DBeath/feedsearch-gateway). The API runs on the [Flask](http://flask.pocoo.org/) framework, and is converted with the ridiculously easy to use [Zappa](https://github.com/Miserlou/Zappa) library to run on [AWS Lambda](https://aws.amazon.com/lambda/). Acknowledgements are due to [Dan Foreman-Mackey](http://dfm.io/) for his [Feedfinder2](https://github.com/dfm/feedfinder2) library, from which I stole and extended the original code for Feedsearch, and to [Dave Winer](http://scripting.com/) for giving us RSS in the first place. I hope people keep using and writing code for RSS. I think it's important that RSS continues to thrive, both on a personal level (it's how I get most of my reading material), and on a professional level (it's used heavily in [Auctorial](https://www.auctorial.com)). RSS is by far the best way we currently have to propagate news and articles around the web; Facebook, Twitter, and Reddit aren't suited for the kind of aggregation that RSS enables.